#HowIWillChange é um complemento ao #MeToo, que explodiu após escândalo de abuso em Hollywood
por Gabriel Ribeiro
Contribua com o SOS Ação Mulher e Família na prevenção e no enfrentamento da violência doméstica e intrafamiliar
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#HowIWillChange: Acknowledge that if all women I know has been sexually harassed, abused or assaulted, then I know perpetrators. Or am one.
#HowIWillChange: Recognise I don't need to be a perpetrator to be a bad guy. Questioning harassment, not doing anything about it—all as bad.
#HowIWillChange I will call out my friends and colleagues on their inappropriate behaviour and seek to educate them on why it’s harmful... https://twitter.com/mrbenjaminlaw/status/920035522260512768 …
#HowIWillChange I will never stay quiet and ignore sexual harassment & abuse. Men need to take action and stand up for others.
If you want to find the best and worst men on Twitter, the #HowIWillChange hashtag is a good place to start.
#HowIWillChange I used to keep quiet in public when femi-nazis demonize men. Now I'll openly oppose their misandry at every opportunity.
I'm sick of feeling guilty for being born a straight White male. I'm not going to change anything. I'm proud of myself#HowIWillChange
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